If you are searching for thank you notes for funeral or funeral thank you notes wordings, or if you finding it difficult to write thank you notes after funeral, then this post is surely going to help you. Here, I have listed the most humble and generous funeral thank you notes. You can seek idea from the below listed funeral thank you notes. You can simply write these funeral thank you notes in a plain card and give it to the ones who have been there with you through your sad times.
Thank you for being the moral support
that you gave during the hard times.
It was all a mess after losing my son.
You have been a real good human being
in helping us get through such hard times.
I can’t express
what I am feeling right now
in having you by my side as always,
during good or bad times, always.
It wasn’t easy for us
to stand back after George’s demise.
I want to appreciate your efforts
for the support that you gave.
Having people like you with us
during hard times helps to heal soon.
It was really generous of you
to travel from such a long distance
to attend John’s funeral service. .
Thank you for attending the funeral service.
I am grateful to you and your family
for the love and support at this time.
Thank you for attending
the funeral and generous donation.
It would have meant a lot
to the departed soul
to know of so many contributions.
We were deeply touched
by the funeral message that you gave.
Your love for him brought
more tears in our already drenched eyes.
Your presence made us
stand strong on the funeral day.
It was you who supported us
all the way through hard times
and gave us strength to bear such a pain.
Much love to you and thanks…
Funeral thank you notes wording:
Are looking for generous and calm funeral thank you notes wordings? This section of our post will surely help you. Here, we have written funeral thank you notes wording that can be written on funeral thank you cards which you can send to the people who attended the funeral of your family member or someone close.
Thank you for making
the arrangements for the funeral,
even after your busy schedule.
It was much appreciated.
The support that you
all showed during the funeral
was commendable and helped us
gain strength to get out of bad times soon.
Thank you for sympathy and kindness.
It meant a great deal to us.
Your words of sympathy
at the funeral really touched our souls
and we could feel the pain
that you were also going
through during the funeral.
Thanks for being there.
You turned tears into smiles
by your presence at the funeral.
Appreciate the way
you reached to us during time of huge loss.
We have been
through a lot during past years.
No one would have
understood me as closely as possible other than you.
We are grateful to
friends like you who stood by us during this hard time.
Thank you for being with us.
It was so kind of you
to make a donation
towards the family
in the name of the departed soul.
Thank you so very much.
It’s hard to put
thanks into words
that we would like to give for all your help.
I can never get such a friend like you in life again.
Your active participation
in making the funeral service
go smooth was much appreciated.
I cannot be more thankful to you
so accept these pictures as the return favors.
My most heartfelt appreciation
for you to manage all the proceedings
during the funeral.
The food service
by your men was really helpful.
Thank You!
When in need you were there for us.
A much needed friend and neighbor.
Thank you notes for funeral flowers:
Thank you notes for funeral flowers should be sent to those who brought flowers on the funeral ceremony of someone close to you. You should really thank them for putting an effort to share your pain and comforting you with flowers. In this section, you will get to read the most generous thank you notes for funeral flowers. Feel free to send these thank you notes to the ones who have sent or have brought funeral flowers.
Thank you all for the
full support from your family.
I have never been
so overwhelmed by your generosity.
Your lovely flowers were really good.
Your flowers were really beautiful.
Thank You!
Thank you for comforting us
with your flowers.
Thank You!
Funeral flowers you had sent
were really soothing and comforting.
Thank You!
Hope these thank you funeral notes have provided words to express your appreciation for the people who have put efforts to comfort you during the sad times. Feel free to send them and express your generosity and how thankful you are!