Sorry Messages for Him

Sorry Messages for HimSend these sorry messages for him. These messages of apology can, at least, mend his wounded heart. You can share these sorry messages for him in a form of card, ecard, email or facebook status. You can easily send these messages as sorry SMS via your mobile phone especially if he doesn’t feel like talking to you.


  • I know this is just one of the downside of our relationship.
    I am so sorry;
    I hope this mistake will make our relationship stronger than ever.
  • I am sorry for initiating the argument.
    Sometimes I become so childish,
    but you still understand me.
  • Please forgive me for whatever I said.
    I didn’t mean it.
  • I will make the first step to make things better between us:
    I am so sorry, honey. Could you please forgive me?
  • I am sorry, I almost risked our relationship.
    I promise you to take good care of it with the best that I can.
  • I can’t believe that I did that.
    Sorry, I didn’t realize that it will hurt you.
    I promise, I will think before I act next time.
  • You are the main source of my power and
    I won’t let a single mistake of mine cease you from providing me with it.
    So I am offering my apology to you.
  • When you are mad to me, my inspiration runs dry.
    Please forgive me my dear husband.

    I don’t know how to make your broken heart heal faster,
    but I’ll start by saying, “I’m sorry!”

I apologize for hurting your feelings and for not being so thoughtful.
I hope I could make it up to you.

I hate the thought of you being mad at me.
Just let you know that I didn’t mean to hurt you.
I’m sorry. Please forgive me.

You always understand me.
You are so patient with me.
But this time, I know I’ve gone overboard and I am so sorry.
Please give me another chance.
I’ll do my best to make it up to you.
I know it’s my fault.
I’m so sorry I’ve hurt you.
I’ll try my best to never hurt you again.

I don’t know where to start.
I know it has been so painful for you.
But let me start by saying “I’m sorry”.
Please forgive me.

I feel so bad for what I did to you.
I’m so sorry for hurting your feelings.
I’m sorry.
Give me another chance.
Sorry for breaking your heart.
I didn’t mean to.
Please let me make it up to you.

I love you and the last thing I would ever want to do with you is to hurt you.
I’m so sorry for hurting your feelings.
Please forgive me.

 Sorry Messages for Husband

Apologize to him with these sorry messages for husband. By saying or sending these sorry messages to your husband, you might be able to sooth the pain he must have been feeling for what you said or done. Feel free to share these sorry messages for husband on your twitter or facebook. Remember, saying sorry may be the hardest, but once said, it may heal the broken heart.

I want to fix the broken pieces of our relationship by apologizing sincerely to you.
I’m sorry, honey.

There are things that happened unexpectedly in a relationship.
I am very sorry, hubby.

I feel like banging my head to the wall for you ignored me all day.
I hope I’ll be forgiven by the only man in my life.

I am shy to talk to you because I hurt you so badly.
But I have to get this over with before it worsens.
I am sorry, hubby.

I am not perfect, I commit mistakes. I am sorry.
I know you’ll forgive me because I know you accept who I am,
even my imperfections.

Darling, sorry if my mood changes like a girl change her clothes.
I hope you understand me.
Honey, I’m sorry for being so childish.
I now realize how much I’ve hurt you for what I did.
I really didn’t mean to.
Give me another chance. I’m sorry.

You are the light of my life,
and I won’t let it die out.
And now that I can see it flickering,
I want to say sorry so I can bring its brightness again.

My heart breaks when a day passes without even hearing your voice.
I am so sorry, sweetheart!
Before we go to bed, I want to end up the conflict that we had.
So I am swallowing my pride to say sorry to the dearest man of my life.

In times that I need you, you are always there to me.
But when you need me, I sometimes fail to be with you.
I am sorry.

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