
Quotes about Strength

Strength Quotes and Sayings

What comes to your mind when you hear the word ‘Strong’? Do images of your besties with six packs fill your mind?  Maybe you picture your favorite wrestling hero. If that’s the case, you are so wrong.

Being strong is much more than shape, weight, and muscles. To be precise, strength is the sum of one’s willpower, self-confidence, mental resilience, determination, empathy, and whatnot.

So, once again: What comes to your mind when you hear the word ‘Strong’? Can you visualize yourself as a strong person? If not, let me tell you, my dear fellas, you already are strong, super-strong… but with suboptimal motivation.

Fret not, help is here! The most successful people in history have shared their two cents on how to find your own strength when life gets on top of you. Take a read through this list of best strength quotes ever.

I promise you’ll find at least three that’ll resonate with you and hope that they inspire you to be mentally, physically, and spiritually strongest.

Quotes about Strength with Picture

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