Their unselfish efforts to fight for our county are worth to be appreciated and celebrated. Make this day more special by making veterans feel proud of their known efforts. Make use of words as your weapon to do this. Here are some inspiring veterans day messages and veterans day quotes that you can post to your facebook profiles as veteran day facebook status to commemorate their unselfish effort.

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Greetings for Veterans Day

Please find some greetings for veterans day

For the bravery they have shown and for fighting for what is right, we salute you!
Happy Veterans Day to all of you!

Recognize again the efforts of our Veterans.
They fought so well for all of us.

This is the day when we remember again the greatness of their unselfish heart.
They shared their lives to our country.
Salute to the Veterans!

May we imitate their heroic deeds.
Let their effort be a continuing fight for all of us.

Fight for justice and for everything that we believe in.
We are not alone.
Be inspired of how they did it before.
Veterans are great!

They didn’t think twice even if fighting for their principles would mean death for them.
They stood and stayed united until their sincere intentions succeeded.
We salute all Veterans!

President Obama wished on veterans dayOur noble soldiers risked their limb and life for their country. The least that we can do for them is to honor their selfless efforts this Veterans day. Here are some inspirational and encouraging quotes about Veterans day and Veterans day quotations and sayings said by famous people. These quote son Veterans day remind us to do our duty, to be patriotic and loyal to our country. Spread the word and share these Veterans day quotes and veterans day messages to our profiles as Veterans day status.

Quotes on Veterans Day

“Heroes take journeys, confront dragons, and discover the treasure of their true selves.”
~ Carol Lynn Pearson

“Regard your soldiers as your children, and they will follow you into the deepest valleys. Look on them as your own beloved sons, and they will stand by you even unto death!”
~ Sun Tzu

“The hero is the man dedicated to the creation and / or defense of reality-conforming, life-promoting values.”
~ Andrew Bernstein

“Bravery is the capacity to perform properly even when scared half to death.”
~ Omar Bradley

“It is easy to take liberty for granted, when you have never had it taken from you.”
~ Dick Cheney

“How important it is for us to recognize and celebrate our heroes and she-roes!”
~ Maya Angelou

“The secret of happiness is freedom, and the secret of freedom, courage.”
~ Thucydides

“Nurture your minds with great thoughts, to believe in the heroic makes heroes.”
~ Benjamin Disraeli

“Valor is stability, not of legs and arms, but of courage and the soul.”
~ Michel de Montaigne

“I believe it is the nature of people to be heroes, given the chance.”
~ James A. Autry

“Without heroes, we are all plain people, and don’t know how far we can go.”
~ Bernard Malamud

“Valor is stability, not of legs and arms, but of courage and the soul.”
~ Michel de Montaigne

“America’s Veterans have served their country with the belief that democracy and freedom are ideals to be upheld around the world.”
~ John Doolittle

“She mourned with a bleak blank determination, marching straight ahead with a shell-shocked vet’s hollow-eyed thousand-yard stare while doing the next thing and the next.”
~ James A. Hetley

“Lord, bid war’s trumpet cease;
Fold the whole earth in peace.”
~ Oliver Wendell Holmes

“Heroism is endurance for one moment more.”
~ George F. Kennan

“We often take for granted the very things that most deserve our gratitude.”
~ Cynthia Ozick

“How far that little candle throws his beams! So shines a good deed in a weary world.”
~ William Shakespeare

“But fame is theirs – and future days; On pillar’d brass shall tell their praise; Shall tell – when cold neglect is dead – “These for their country fought and bled.”
~ Philip Freneau

“In war, there are no unwounded soldiers.”
~ Jose Narosky

“I dream of giving birth to a child who will ask, “Mother, what was war?”
~ Eve Merriam

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