morning-inspirational-quotesBe motivated and get encouraged with these daily inspirational quotes. You can also motivate others by sharing these daily inspirational quotes and sayings. Feel free to send these inspirational life quotes and sayings to your family and loved ones on twitter, SMS, facebook or tumbler. Feel lucky everyday for He gave you another chance to make the most out of your life.

Promise yourself that upon waking up every day, you will say:
Today, I will be too busy.
Too busy being happy that I have absolutely no time to feel bad.

The reas0ns why pe0ple can’t answer a simple YES or NO is that
They d0n’t wanna be tied by answering a c0mplicated YES
Yet they d0n’t wanna lose s0mething just because of a simple NO.

Better not to mind the thing that depresses you, coz it only makes you weak inside and out.
There are a lot of things you can give your time into.
Don’t get stuck w/ the things that ruin your day. SMILE and be happy! 🙂

Positive thinking is not about EXPECTING the BEST to happen.
It’s about ACCEPTING that whatever’s bound to happen, it’s for the BEST.
Everything is useful as long as we know how to make good use of it.

As long as there are good friends who tap your back for all the cute and sweet concerns, failure will just be an ant bite.

Your thoughts are the architects of your destiny.
Words lead to deeds. They prepare the soul, make it ready, and move it to tenderness.

We are defined by the choices we make.
Whenever u feel weak,
Remember those who make you stronger
And whenever you start to doubt yourself,
Remember those who believe in you.

Elated moments are bits n pieces of reasons to keep our day at ease..
Let us try to collect Happiness like showers.. Take it easy..
Try not to become a man of success but a man of value. ~ Albert Einstein
Every day may not be always good, but there is something good in every day.
A kind word, a sweet smile and a gentle touch can soothe troubled heart.

You are stronger than you may seem, braver than you believe, and smarter than you think you are.
Prayer is the most powerful for trial, the most effective medicine against sickness, and the most valuable gift to someone we care for.

When someone loves you, they don’t have to say it. You can tell by the way they treat you.

Don’t be so quick to judge, you never know when you might just find yourself walking in that person’s shoes.
If someone wants to be part of your life, they’ll make an effort to be in it.
So don’t bother reserving a space in your heart for someone who doesn’t make an effort to stay.

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