Here are some christian Christmas Wishes and some of the religious messages for this Christmas season that you can write on your cards and gift tags, for a religious person.In this page, we include some of the best Christian Christmas wishes and messages that you can share to your loved ones to share the real essence of Christmas Day.

Christian Christmas Wishes

Christian Christmas Wishes

  1. The spirit of Christmas is love.
    God loves us so much that He gave His Son to us.
    Let us celebrate His birthday!
  2. Close your eyes and feel how Christ works in your life.
    Look back and be thankful for all the blessings you received
    And for staying strong despite all odds that came your way.
    Have a blessed Christmas!
  3. May the love of our Savior, Jesus Christ,
    surround you all the days of your live.
    Merry Christmas to you and your family!
  4. For unto us a child was born
    The Messiah who saves the world
    May your Christmas be great as ever in the light of the Savior’s love!
  5. Spend time today to pray and give glory to God.
    This simple deed will surely make Him happy.
    Merry Christmas.
  6. Wake up today and start your day
    With heartfelt thanks for the birth of our Savior.
    Angels are singing to bring this message to us.
    Celebrate today!
  7. Fill this season with heavenly rejoices.
    We are so blessed to have Christ from this day onwards.
  8. We have hope this Christmas because Jesus was born.
    Have a Merry Christmas!

Christian Christmas Messages For Cards

A collection of Christian Christmas Messages for cards here. Please browse through this collection and find a suitable christmas message for your needs.

Christian Christmas Cards

The star of Bethlehem shone when Christ was born
In the darkest nights, Christ’s love still shines the brightest
Merry Christmas and enjoy the yuletide season!

The essence of Christmas in not on the presents.
It’s Christ’s presence living in us
Have a blessed Christmas!

Every culture, every race
Waits for this joyous day
To commemorate the birth of our Savior
I pray you’ll find comfort, peace and favor.
Merry Christmas!

Let us celebrate the ultimate gift of Jesus’s birth
That we were all given this Christmas.
May you all have a blessed Christmas!

Love was born on Christmas,
the stars and angels gave the sign.
Wishing you a Wonderful Christmas.

Christmas Wishes

Religious Christmas Greetings

Christmas quotes from the Bible can also be used as card wording. You can just use the religious Christmas card quotes as introduction to your personal message. If you are looking for the best picks of Christian quotes for Christmas, here are some suggestions we like to share to you:

Christian Christmas Greetings

Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign:
The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son,
And will call him Immanuel.
– Isaiah 7:14

On the first Christmas eve, Jesus was born
He is the reason for the season
Celebrating His love for us
No matter what the cost was
Have a blessed Christmas and bountiful New Year!

Cities and bustling streets are preparing
To celebrate the birth of the King
But take time to thank God for His love for us
May you have a blissful Christmas!

Entrust our life to the Lord.
Christmas marks the day of our journey with our Messiah.
Leave worries behind and live each day one day at a time.
Merry Christmas!

Our Savior is born.
Let us praise Him with sincerity and gratitude.
Have a joyous Christmas celebration!

Christian Christmas Card Wording Ideas

If you wish to use some of the best christian Christmas messages for your cards and season’s greetings yet still can’t come up with the perfect wording, no worries. In this selections of Christian messages and hopefully you can get some card wording ideas to help you in writing a card.

Christian Christmas Card Wording Ideas

Red, green, gold, blue and white
Are the pretty Christmas colors in sparking delight
The carolers’ songs echoes in the night
To celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ
Have a blessed yuletide season.

Often times we are so concerned
About the new stuffs we receive on Christmas
But we sometimes forget that Jesus is the reason for this celebration.
Take time to ponder on His great love for us.
And be thankful that He came so we might live.
Have a joyful Christmas!

Be prepared this Christmas
By having a clear mind, kind words, and helpful actions.
Be the person that we should be to give honor to God Almighty.

Let the picture of Baby Jesus in the manger give us a message
That worldly things are not important.
What matters most is the richness that we have in our hearts.
Have a meaningful Christmas.

See Christ in every person.
Be charitable and share your blessings.
This day is our chance to realize how blessed we are.

Christian Christmas Wordings

Do you need more samples of Christmas christmas quotes that can also express your warmest season’s greetings to people close to your hearts? No worries as we’re here to provide you more Christian christmas card wording ideas in a form of quotes and sayings. Some of these samples came from famous people while some are adapted from the Bible.

Christian Christmas Wordings

Jesus has been around before time
and is the everlasting reason for Christmas.
Merry Christmas!

Don’t forget the Christ in Christmas.
Without him this wonderful day would not exist.
Let us praise his name!

Today is Christ’s birthday!
May God bless you and your family on this joyous day!

This Christmas we should give a gift to the birthday boy,
Jesus, and promise to try hard to follow his teachings.
Have a Great Christmas!


May the baby Jesus make your wishes come true.
Merry Christmas to you and yours.

Love came down on the first Christmas eve
Love came down for you and me
Love came down to set us free
Love is born on Christmas day.
Have a blessed Christmas!

Christ brings a light into this dark world
Just like Christmas brings a light into this dark season.
May your Christmas be as bright as ever.

Christian Christmas Wishes for Friends

Wish your friend a Merry Christmas, while keeping the love and blessing of Christ on it. Here are some religious Christmas wishes for your friends and loved ones. You may try writing these card wording in a way you share the words of God, keeping the true essence of Christmas and the holiday.

Religious Christmas Wishes

May this Christmas be more meaningful for you and your family.
May God bless you and your family.
Merry Christmas

Happy birthday to Jesus Christ,
The Holy Baby who is humbly born in the manger.
Merry Christmas!

Be like Mary.
Her pure heart made her
The chosen one to carry our Messiah in her womb.
May we also have an open heart to let Jesus get in.
Merry Christmas!

Take time to celebrate this day meaningfully
By singing songs of praise to the Lord.
Be your heart filled with nothing but thanksgiving and prayers.
Have a blessed holidays!

Glorify the Little Baby in the manger.
May we imitate His humility
So that we will be worthy of His coming.
Be blessed this Christmas.

On Christmas,
We will receive God’s most important gift for us,
Jesus Christ, our Savior, our Life.
Have a Merry Christmas!

Christian Christmas Wishes

Christian Christmas Wishes

Here’s presenting you our sixth card. Just like all our cards, this is one is beautiful too. Here in this card, ‘Merry Christmas‘ and ‘with lots of love’ is already written on it. So, you only need to write a one or two line wish and your name on it. You can go a group sending of this card too.

christian-christmas-greetingsHere are the messages that will make this card even more pretty-


May the sweet sound of ringing bells

fills your life with never ending sweetness!


May the magical echoing bells

brings lots of happiness and joy

in your life and

bless you and your family with

wealth and health.


The jingle bells are echoing

to fill your life with

endless moments of joy!


May the peaceful sound of Christmas bells

bring harmony to your life.

Christian Christmas Greeting Sample

Here comes our last yet the most beautiful Christian Christmas card. What is making this card the most beautiful is that this card has all the elements of Christmas i.e. the holy cross, the snowman, the Christmas tree and the candles. You can write one line wish on this Christmas Christmas card and send it to your dear ones on Christmas.

jesus-christmas-cardsSample one line wishes for Christian Christmas Card no. 7-


Be happy, Be kind and Spread love!


This Christmas, I pray to God to fulfill all your dreams!


Always be grateful to God and your family

for their selfless love for you!


May Jesus bless you with

lots of love and luck on this Christmas

Christian Christmas Card 4:

Here comes the most favorite card of mine. I am sure you will agree with me that this card is so far the cutest. It has all elements of cuteness, divine-touch and gratefulness. Christmas bells, teddy bear and the holy symbol, all of this makes this card the most unique and cute Christian Christmas card, Even kids will love to receive this card.

christian-christmas-cardsHere are the messages and wishes that you can write on this card to personalize it and make it look more beautiful-


May you spend the most happy time

with your near and dear ones on this day!


May the blessing and goodwill

of lord remains with you always!


May the peace and warmth of this

bright and cheerful festival

remains with you on this day

and throughout the new year!


May the good spirits of Christmas

fills your day with

never-ending prosperity and love!


Spread the magic of Christmas

by meeting and greetings your loved ones

and wishing him with a smile

just as I did…

Christian Christmas Card 5:

Look at this Christian Christmas card, it is so peaceful, heart-soothing and love-filled. Also, this cute snowman is adding an extra charm of cuteness to this Christmas card.

best-christian-chrismas-cardsLets have a look at some messages and wishes can be written on this beautiful Christmas card-


The celebration of Christmas

is nothing but the reflection

of your affection, values and desires.


Listen to the divine carols

and celebrate the miraculous birth

of Jesus Christ with happiness and joy!


May you get all the happiness

that the Christmas spirits brings!


May the Christmas spirits

sooth your heart

heal your pain and

fill your life with peace!


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